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Rebalance your body chakras regain your body charm and power by chakras reading

This type of reading enables you to balance your chakras – without yoga!
You may have seen diagrams of the body-based chakras before. Here’s an example to refresh your memory, or to help you visualize the chakra locations if this is new to you.

The 8th chakra is also known as the Soul Star Chakra. we read this Chakra during Soul Star Readings, a type of Akashic Reading which is one of the most popular readings We provide.

The 8th chakra is becoming very active in the new Aquarian Age, so it’s important to include it now in Chakra Readings to gain a fuller picture of any imbalances present.
It’s also important to know whether your chakras are underactive or overactive and whether any imbalances are held in the physical, mental or emotional energy bodies.
Chakra Readings
Chakra Readings are also very useful to have as part of the Akashic Readings Cycle. This type of reading can help you understand where your energy is out of balance and how you have got stuck.’

When having a chakra reading, it’s important to include the 8th chakra in the process. In case you are wondering where it is, the 8th chakra resides in your Personal Energy Field, between 12-24 inches above your head.

Chakras Reading Price3 questions 3000 INR, 4000  for video